Workplace Consultancy
The whole world is changing. Some changes are temporary. Some changes will permanently affect how our society behaves. Each crisis presents opportunities. The main purpose of our office space is to create the company's heart, to share our know-how and to create our company culture.
Our workplace strategy services:
Key drivers

- attraction and retention
- better team collaboration
- workplace etiquette and behaviour
- technology allowing individuals to work away from their desk
- IT infrastructure enabling staff to use the right device to do their work
- business changes faster than space
- efficiency driven
- futureproof environment
Workspaces are now moving away from a “one-size fits-all” model to meet the needs of individual users. Creating a workplace that supports your people and their productivity can have a direct impact on your profitability.
Your physical workspace is a commitment for the next decade or more. Therefore efficient use of space that supports fluctuations in business is crucial.
Internal mobility (i.e. people within the office but not at their desk) will continue to rise. However, technology often does not support this mobile work style. For example, individuals may have been allocated desktops where laptops might be more appropriate.
Use our Workplace Scan service
- a diagnostic based on contributions from CEO, HR, IT, procurement etc.,
- opportunities for changes to your premises recommended by our team of workplace consultatnts,
- an indication of the cost and time required for the proposed changes

potential savings of

* assuming a company normally leasing 1.000 sqm of office space; the above mentioned saving is calculated if the company use the premise more efficiently and leases approx. 20 % less space for 5 years and maintaining the same number of staff.

We will arrange for you

Healthy environment
- An ergonomic workplace ensuring the increased hygienic requirements
- A workplace supporting the creativity and motivation of employees

Futureproof office
- Flexible premises adjustable to your business, not the other way round
- A workplace reflecting the way people work

Financial savings
- Efficient ude of premises
- The possible sublease of underutilised space