Office interior, where everybody feels good
Let´s will try to closer describe issue of good, healthy and creative company office interior. Which interior and design meets the requirements and needs of modern human being of 21stcentury?
We live in a fast-moving time, when during the working process hardly anything is forgiven. Designer or architect, who is taking into account challenging requirements on energy and workload of contemporary employees of bigger or smaller corporation, has to inevitably think how to adapt the design of interior in order to stimulate both well-being and also productivity of its users. It is necessary to create conditions which will be primarily healthy and human at the same time. Is it possible to design really comfortable interior, where user will feel good and enjoy it?Quality of the working environment itself is primary factor, which influences our health, productivity, contentment and satisfaction. So what is the healthy office interior about?
Let’s look at the factors that affect in the most distinctive way the employee of the company, who is a person with individual character, with its needs and visions:
Autor článku: Nasťa Džavíková, MSc.