7 Tips to Feel Good in the Office
There are times when changing small routines or adopting new habits can greatly improve well-being in our day-to-day lives. Small actions that enhance communication, improve health, promote better organisation or even improve relationships with our colleagues.
If the office is going to be where we spend most of our day, it may as well be productive. Light, installations, furniture or temperature are issues that can directly affect us. But there are others that only depend on us and the decisions we make. Here we’ve provided seven tips that will definitely help you to improve your work office environment.
Spending the day in a chair has gone out of style
We have said it many times and we stand by it. A sedentary lifestyle is the enemy to our emotional happiness. Try to carry out as many activities while standing as possible. It will improve your mood, productivity and well-being. And with that we don’t mean just going for a walk, but try to get up to answer the phone, walk to work or try to combine sitting in a chair with conversations in other places.
Meetings at high tables
Standing meetings work. By spending the first few minutes of the day planning the rest of the workday as a team, you’ll be able to prioritise each task and deal with the feeling of not getting everything done. And if you do it at a high table, keeping the nervous system active, you’ll find yourself feeling more concentrated. Movement and organisation are the key to fighting stress.
Learn to never stop learning
Constantly set new challenges for yourself, learn and refresh your knowledge. The change in the work paradigm has placed a more flexible way of working without our reach, and the workers who best adapt to the changes will be those who develop their career with greater satisfaction. When we open our minds to new challenges, we discover that our world is very small. Motivation is the only thing that will never change!
Connect with your colleagues in order to disconnect
Having a socialisation area in the workspace is crucial to disconnecting. A short break for a spontaneous chat is also surprisingly productive. It has even been proven that it is in these informal meetings where the most valuable interactions between teams take place. Up to 80%!
Status: Not available
Email, social networks, smartphones... we have so many ways to stay connected that it’s almost impossible to disconnect. Thousands of interruptions are constantly stalking us, and they don’t let us give the best of ourselves. This affects our efficiency and, in turn, our stress levels. Learning to set our status as “Unavailable” can recharge our well-being.
Make exercise part of your routine
The benefits of physical exercise are known to help us release tension and reduce stress. For that reason, and even though it’s not always easy to take time out to exercise, it is important to take advantage of any opportunity we get: from going to work by bicycle whenever you can, avoiding taking the lift or even following routines designed to be done during the workday.
Cut down on coffee
Coffee is our go-to that we use to wake ourselves up or we even use as an excuse for a short break. But the truth is that if you take advantage of these breaks to drink juices, eat fruit, nuts or other healthy foods, you will soon notice a physical and emotional improvement.
In short, all of these are small contributions that when added up, can lead to a substantial change in your day-to-day life. They’re only suggestions, now it's up to you to put them into practice. And remember, to turn an action into a habit, you need to do it for at least 21 days. Are you up for the challenge?